• Devotions

    That Familiar Feeling

    It was a familiar feeling.

    The conversation flowed like we had just seen each other yesterday.

    But the circumstances for our impromptu gathering were not as pleasant as being seated at our high school lunch table.

    Assembled faces now on a video chat, we were no longer talking about classes or weekend plans.

    Sadly, a friend’s unexpected loss led to a discussion on how to best support her.

    Some of these women I have known almost my entire life.

    Being in their presence was easy and comforting, even if it was on video chat.

    It had been way too long.

    It’s sad it takes something like this to come together.

    In unanimous agreement, we spoke about how we needed to make it a point to get together more often, despite the busyness in our lives.

    As I sipped my morning coffee today, this is the moment I have reflected on.

    How similar this is to my own faith walk.

    Sometimes I will sit down with my heavenly Father to talk about my day,  just like sitting at our lunch table.

    It’s no longer about classes or weekend plans.

    But the content does not matter.

    What’s most important is being in His presence.

    It’s a familiar feeling because the Creator knows me.

    “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body

        and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

     Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!

        Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

     You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,

        as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.

     You saw me before I was born.”  Psalm 139: 13-16 NLT

    Being in His presence is easy and comforting.

    But sometimes too much time passes between our conversations.

    Something breaks my routine, and I find myself getting caught up in the busyness of life.

    Then my meeting with Him comes only when a problem occurs or there is a crisis.

    Regardless, His love never changes and He always receives His children.

    “The Lord is like a father to His children,

        tender and compassionate to those who fear Him.

     For He knows how weak we are;

        He remembers we are only dust.

     Our days on earth are like grass;

        like wildflowers, we bloom and die.

    The wind blows, and we are gone—

        as though we had never been here.

    But the love of the Lord remains forever

        with those who fear Him.”  Psalm 103: 13-17 NLT

    Just like my earthly relationships, the time I spend with my heavenly Father needs to be intentional.

    No one knows me better than Him.

    No one loves me better than Him.

    Friends, don’t let the distractions of the world get in the way of the most important relationship you will ever have.

    Spend time in His presence today.

  • Devotions

    The One

    As I settled into bed, I felt a sense of peace.

    Jonathan was curled up watching Netflix.

    Daniel reclined in his chair playing Madden on his Xbox.

    My husband had already dozed off beside me.

    There is no better feeling than this.


    Everyone was home.

    It’s just not the same when one of them is missing.

    Just knowing they are all in my presence is everything.

    Our heavenly Father feels the same way about us.

    His ultimate goal is to have all of His children in His presence.

    And when we leave this place, He wants us all to come home.

    That is why even if one of us is missing, it is just not the same.

    Even if ninety nine are present, He still pursues the one.

    “Then Jesus told them this parable:  “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’  I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.”  Luke 15: 3-7 NIV

    Don’t miss this, friends.

    Our Creator rejoices when one of His lost sheep comes home.

    “And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home.”


    That is what our heavenly Father feels when all of His children are together.



    The ninety-nine.

    And the one.

  • Devotions

    Finding Joy When Your Heart is Heavy

    Gazing at my son walking away with one crutch under his arm, my heart felt heavy.

    He was happy to be with his teammates, even though he would not be able to play this season.

    Truthfully, his attitude is much better than mine some days.

    I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes, thinking about the year ahead.

    His senior year.

    Between the surgery and COVID, we both knew this year would look different.

    And even though my words told him we would make the best of this crazy year, I have to confess my heart is not always there.

    Today was one of those days.

    So after an iced coffee and a few more tears, I decided to shift my focus to my shopping list.

    New shorts for school, a birthday present and a baby shower gift.

    I tackled the list in just that order and finally found myself in the baby section.

    And then I heard it.

    The sound was unmistakable.

    One I had not heard in awhile.

    It was the sound of sheer joy.

    While browsing through the baby section, I could not help but overhear a man on the phone with his wife.

    Quickly it became apparent that he was shopping for his infant son.

    He picked up outfits, describing each one in detail.

    It was as if nothing else mattered.

    His excitement was so genuine.

    It was almost childlike.

    Like he was seeing the world in a whole new way.

    And while he looked at onesies and sleepers, I wondered if he even knew how much I needed to hear that sound.

    How much we all do.

    A reminder of all that is good in the world.

    The presence of joy, even when our hearts are heavy.

    I stood there with my 25% off coupon in my hands and my heart in my throat.

    The days of buying baby clothes had long passed for me, except for when I was in search of a gift.

    But this was a gift I was not expecting, one that changed my outlook on the rest of the day.

    As I approached the young father, I told him I could not help but notice his excitement.

    Beaming with pride, he quickly shared that his first son had just been born 3 weeks before.

    Sheer joy.

    I told him to enjoy every moment and handed him my coupon.

    Be blessed, I told him.

    In my heart, I knew he had already blessed me.

    God knew the heaviness on my heart.

    He knows what is on your heart, too.

    “You have searched me, Lord,

        and you know me.

     You know when I sit and when I rise;

        you perceive my thoughts from afar.

     You discern my going out and my lying down;

        you are familiar with all my ways.

     Before a word is on my tongue

        you, Lord, know it completely.”  Psalms 139:1-4 NIV

    God knew I needed encouragement in that moment.

    A reminder of all that is good in the world.

    A reminder that there is joy, even when my heart is heavy.

    God challenges us to encourage each other in different ways.

    Consider this scripture from the Hebrews:

    “So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps His word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshiping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching.” 

    Hebrews 10:22-25 MSG

    This translation really challenged me to think about how I can be inventive in my ways of encouraging those around me.

    That is what we are called to do.

    And encouraging someone else is one way we can find joy, even when our own hearts may be heavy.

    How will you be inventive today?

    A sticky note on a lunch box, a cup of coffee, an unexpected visit?

    A 25% off coupon to a stranger?

    The possibilities are endless.

    Because we serve a God of endless possibilities.

    Friends, my prayer is that His promises keep you going in the days ahead and that you are able to find joy, even when your hearts are heavy.