The Word
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Wonderful Counselor
Holding Onto Hope in the Hard Seasons
As I drove through Delaware Water Gap, a sea of green flashed through the passenger window.
The tree line along the river was a familiar sight.
On this particular day though, a small patch of burnt orange and gold broke up the landscape.
A new season was on the horizon.
I love how God always speaks through His beautiful creation.
This last season has been a particularly hard one.
The loss of a loved one in our family has been devastating.
Some moments feeling helpless, others feeling sad.
Moments feeling more comfortable sitting in silence than absorbing the noise swirling around me.
And while there was laughter and meaningful conversations amidst the tears that I am so grateful for, I would be lying if I said that I have not felt weary.
Holding onto hope can feel almost impossible in the hard seasons.
A relative told me during this most recent journey that she believed death was easier for me because of my faith.
This statement is something that I have reflected on over the past few months..
Even with faith, there is nothing about death that is easy.
When I am weary, I know who holds me up and is by my side.
My hope has a name.
He is my bridge over troubled water.
The one I turn to for comfort.
The one whose presence puts my anxious thoughts at ease.
God tells us in His word that our despair will not go on forever.
The people of Israel had been through many dark seasons.
But they held on because they knew hope was coming.
A new season was on the horizon.
A season of light.
“ For unto us a child is born;
unto us a Son is given;
and the government shall be upon His shoulder.
These will be His royal titles:
“The Mighty God,”
“The Everlasting Father,”
“The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 TLB
We all experience many seasons in our lives.
Our heavenly Father tells us there is a time for everything.
There is a right time for everything:
A time to be born;
A time to die;
A time to plant;
A time to harvest;
A time to kill;
A time to heal;
A time to destroy;
A time to rebuild;
A time to cry;
A time to laugh;
A time to grieve;
A time to dance;
A time for scattering stones;
A time for gathering stones;
A time to hug;
A time not to hug;
A time to find;
A time to lose;
A time for keeping;
A time for throwing away;
A time to tear;
A time to repair;
A time to be quiet;
A time to speak up;
A time for loving;
A time for hating;
A time for war;
A time for peace.
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 TLB
Friends, I don’t know what season you are in right now.
But I know this.
Jesus will be with you.
He is the hope we can hold onto in every season.
And that is something to give thanks for this holiday.
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