Sing to Him
With Heart and Mouth
With My Song
You Can’t Make This Up
You can’t make this up.
If you have teenagers, you should be well acquainted with this phrase.
The phrase that was uttered the other night when my son and his friends strolled into my living room on Monday night with ducks.
Emphasis on the plural.
Not one, two or even three.
During the book club that was being held at my home.
To say that they thought this was a great idea would be an understatement.
Heat lamps and food were purchased to care for these 3 week old babies.
These kids were serious.
But they had missed one crucial step when making this decision.
No one had asked their parents if they thought this was a good idea.
The parents were taken by surprise.
Now, the ducks were adorable.
We could all agree on that.
But the impact that decision would have on others was not thought through.
The who, what, where and how had been overshadowed by the appeal of these cute furry creatures.
I have to confess I am no different than a teenager some days.
I do not always consult my heavenly Father first about my decisions.
My choices do not always line up with what His will is for me.
The appeal of something that brings me short term joy may have weighty consequences later, ones I have not considered.
My impulsivity and human inclinations take over.
And just like buying ducks, I don’t always consider how my decisions might impact those around me.
Maybe I am not alone here.
But unlike earthly parents, our heavenly Father is not surprised by anything that we do.
Even when we rebel and don’t consult Him about our choices, He always takes us in.
“But the Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him.” Daniel 9 : 9 NLT
After the initial shock of the chirping wore off, our group of parents had a chuckle and knew we would have a story for later.
Friends, I am certain that Father God has many stories He could share about us.
Gratefully, the same God who was full of compassion and mercy for Moses has that same compassion and mercy for you and for me.
“The Lord passed in front of Moses, calling out,“Yahweh![a] The Lord!
The God of compassion and mercy!
I am slow to anger
and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” Exodus 34:6 NLT
And that is something you cannot make up.
Before Me
Shielded by Faith
Glorious Joy
Something Good