Gazing at the weathered and worn wood, I knew that it was time to let go.
The green picnic table that had been made for us had seen better days.
Letting go of it made sense in my head, but not in my heart.
This table had a special meaning because it had been given to me by my father.
It was given in love and made to be used.
Family and friends had gathered around it for meals and games.
The images of our family seated there after grilling burgers or playing cards are ones I hold dear to my heart.
But then I had a thought.
What if I shifted my thinking?
Could this gift be used in a different way?
A creative friend was able to use the wood from the table to make a rack that could be mounted on the wall.
Restored for something new.
That is my word of 2024.
Reflecting on this past year, I have thought of that table and how it has related to my own life.
This last season has left me feeling a little weathered and worn.
Like that table, there have been days that my gifts have sat idle.
Gifts given to me in love by my heavenly Father that were made to be used.
While images of how those gifts were used in the past are ones that I hold dear, they prevent me from seeing how God wants me to use them in my present.
So God placed a new thought on my heart.
Maybe just like the table, my gifts were meant to be used differently in this season.
Restored for something new.
Our Creator is the One who restores all things.
Friends, are you feeling a little weathered and worn?
Maybe you are holding on to something old that He wants to make new.
He can restore your joy.
You only need to have a willing heart.
“Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.”
Psalm 51:12 ESV
Maybe you are feeling empty or unsure that He can use you in this season of your life.
He can restore your soul.
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.”
Psalm 23: 1- 3 ESV
Maybe you are feeling like the old ways no longer serve the same purpose.
He can make all things new.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV
Friends, our heavenly Father gives each of us gifts to use for His glory.
Gifts given to us in love that are meant to be used.
My prayer for you in this new season is that as you let go of the old, He restores your joy and makes clear how He plans to use your gifts to share His love with those around you.
May 2024 be a year of restoration for us all.
One Comment
Jenni Poole
💕🤗 I am so grateful for the many ways you have shared your gifts over the years. Praying your year of restoration is a year of revival as well.