In Remembrance
In Our Care
In the Morning
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
It’s a really beautiful day in Pennsylvania.
Today is 143 Day.
I consider myself to be fortunate enough to have grown up with Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.
Each day, this gentle man opened the door to his house, put on a comfy cardigan, and invited you in with this heartfelt question:
Won’t you be my neighbor?
The Neighborhood of Make Believe was accessible only a trolley, transporting children from across the country to a magical place from the comfort of their own homes.
Some of you are singing the theme song in your head at this very moment.
You’re welcome.
But as an adult, the song that was part of the soundtrack of many childhood memories now carries a different meaning.
“I have always wanted to have a neighbor just like you,
I’ve always wanted to live in a neighborhood with you.”
Rogers not only posed the question, but also seemed to capture that longing that we all feel – the desire to connect with one another.
“Won’t you please, won’t you please,
Please won’t you be my neighbor?”
Over and over the same question is asked, a gentle pursuing of the audience to be a part of something bigger.
And so today, on this 143rd of the year, Pennsylvania honors one of its most beloved neighbors, by challenging residents to share acts of kindness and reflect on how grateful we are to have each other.
143 was chosen as Rogers would use this as a special code for I Love You (this was based on the number of letters in each word).
Friends, we are encouraged to share acts of kindness and reflect with gratitude daily as Christians.
365 days a year.
From the very beginning, our heavenly Father wanted to be in community with us.
“Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as He was walking in the garden in the cool day…..” Genesis 3:8
He walked with Adam and Eve in the garden.
He wants to walk with us now.
He gently pursues us, from all neighborhoods across the globe.
He challenges us to love Him and those around us.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:
Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22 : 37-38
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood.
Love your neighbor as He loves you.
A Strong Tower
The Greatest Reward
For some people, Wednesday is considered hump day.
In our house, Wednesday is Survivor night.
If you are not familiar with this reality show, now in its 38th season, let me give you a quick summary. A group of men and women, all ages and backgrounds, are marooned on an island. They must work together in teams to survive the elements and challenges until only one person remains. The grand prize is one million dollars.
Our family piles on the sectional, eager to watch whatever challenge will unfold and which tribe member will be voted off the island.
On this particular night, the challenge will bring the most coveted of all rewards: time with a loved one.
On the island for over a month now, separated from parents, spouses and children, each tribe member gets a brief moment to be reunited with a loved one.
To be able to embrace a husband, mother or son after what probably feels like an eternity of being apart….what a reward!
Overcome with emotion, they leap into each other’s arms.
I can feel the tears trickling down my face.
What I wouldn’t give to be able to put my arms around my Mom or Dad one more time.
These few precious moments will be multiplied for the winner of the challenge.
I cannot recall what obstacle had to be overcome, but I remember my heart immediately breaking for those who would have to say goodbye to their loved ones.
Saying goodbye to someone we love is one of the hardest challenges we will face in this life.
Not a day goes by that I do not long to have one more conversation with my parents.
But there will come a day when I will be able to embrace them again.
The reward we receive as Christians is that we get to spend eternity with our loved ones, not just a few precious moments.
Christ took the challenge for us, so that we could all share in this priceless reward.
Because Christ went to the cross for our sins, we receive a reward that is worth far more than a million dollars.
We receive the gift of eternal life.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
This is the promise that I hold close to my heart. The one that gives me hope.
And unlike Survivor, where only one is chosen, everyone can share in this reward.
“My Father’s house has many rooms.” John 14:2
What a joyful day it will be when there are no more goodbyes!
Friends, the only challenge left for us is to believe in Him and accept this priceless gift.
Challenge accepted!