Live in the Light
Living in the Light
Be the Light
Feels Like Home
Over the holiday break from college, my oldest son frequently had friends over to the house.
Talking about everything under the sun, it was evident that they were just happy to be in each other’s presence.
Entering at all times of the day and night, they had full access to the house.
My husband jokingly asked me, “how many people have the code to our garage?”
But there was something about seeing the ease at which they would come and go.
During one of our late night conversations, one of the boys said this to me:
You make it feel like this our home.
I get choked up even now as I write this.
John and I have always wanted our home to feel welcoming.
But to actually have it feel like home to others touches my heart.
And makes me think of our heavenly Father.
I talk with Him about everything under the sun and am happy just to be in His presence.
He is available to me all times of the day or night.
He grants me full access to Him.
No code required.
I come and go with ease, because He is always welcoming.
He makes it feel like home because it is our home.
“Lord, through all the generations
you have been our home!
Before the mountains were born,
before you gave birth to the earth and the world,
from beginning to end, you are God.” Psalm 90: 1-2 NLT
Sometimes it is difficult to grasp that the Creator of the heavens and the earth will pause just to listen to my heart.
But He does.
Every single time.
There is no place that feels more like home to me than when I spend time with Him.
Friends, I do not know what you are going through today
But know this.
The Creator of the world wants you to feel at home in Him.
You can talk with Him about anything under the sun.
He will be happy to have you in His presence.
You are always welcome, day or night.
And you don’t even need the code.
My prayer is that you allow Him into your heart today.
Trust me.
It feels like home.
“I pray that from His glorious, unlimited resources He will empower you with inner strength through His Spirit. Then Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him.
Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong. And may you have the
power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high,
and how deep His love is.” Ephesians 3:16-18 NLT