The Way Home
The long narrow road was framed by the window of the airplane.
It seemed to go on for miles.
No one could get lost on this road, not even me, I quietly whispered to myself.
My thoughts drifted back to childhood, when our GPS systems were maps and landmarks.
Flipping through the pages of my Dad’s AAA books, for whatever region we were visiting, to find hotels and restaurants provided countless hours of entertainment for me growing up.
Dad knew all the roads and interstates.
Even if we somehow got turned around (meaning he decided to let my Mom drive for awhile), he always knew how to get us back on the right road.
You could always count on him asking one question when someone returned from a trip:
“Which way did you go?”
Dad had a keen sense of direction, a trait that I did not inherit.
He taught me that if I got lost and could find Route 80 or 95, I could always find my way home.
Traveling is not the only time I get lost.
I have found myself in situations or circumstances that seem far from my intended destination.
At times my path has not been a smooth and straight road, but instead one that has bounced me around bumps and curves, leaving me with doubts that I could find my way back.
Thomas had his doubts as well when Jesus told him He was going to prepare a place for him.
“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “ I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 4: 1-6
And just like my Dad provided me with directions to get back home, our Heavenly Father gives us a way to always get back home to HIm : through His son, Jesus.
Friends, do not be troubled today.
There is always a way back home.
Every Tear
Collecting Moments
Money cannot buy happiness.
But $1.75 will buy you a ride on the Carousel at Knoebels, and that is pretty close.
My sister and I had parked ourselves under the Birthday Cake pavillion next to the Carousel, reminiscing and catching up.
I felt glued to this spot, where years ago my father handed out tickets for the Boyardee’s Family Picnic.
Picturing him with one leg propped up on the bench, arms folded over his knee transported me back in time.
That image and the sound of the music from the Carousel made it almost impossible to move from our spot.
I finally looked at my sister, Lauree, and said. “Let’s go for a ride.”
I returned to her almost skipping after purchasing the tickets.
“You look like a little girl. There is such joy on your face,” she said as she gazed at me.
Pure joy.
Despite our ages of 50 and 60, we giggled as we hopped up on our horses.
I could see the childlike joy on her face, too.
A treasured moment.
And as always, when I empty my mind of the worries of the day, I hear His voice so clearly.
There is abundant joy to be found when you are present.
Living in abundance is not about what I own or what fills my house.
It is about what fills my heart.
Collecting moments with those around me are my greatest treasures.
Time with my heavenly Father brings me the purest joy.
“The thief comes only to steal and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
The distractions of the world steal from us the joy that God so extravagantly wants to place in our lives.
The joy that comes from watching the sunrise, listening to the rain or even taking a ride on the Carousel.
Friends, my prayer is that you collect moments today with those God has placed in your life.
Don’t miss the gifts that are showered upon you each day by the Creator.
And don’t forget to thank Him for His abundant love.